Princess Diana’s naughty letters sold at auction – it reveals a side of her we haven’t seen before

Even though Princess Diana passed away several decades ago, millions of people around the world still miss her. The world was shocked by her sudden death, and one of the most watched television broadcasts in history was her funeral.

Diana’s tenure in the Royal Family was troubled because Charles and Camilla’s affair nearly destroyed their marriage. Diana, however, was also said to have been involved in an affair at the same time.
The “People’s Princess” had no qualms about disclosing specifics about royal family life and what she believed to be unfair treatment. A number of Diana’s letters have recently been rediscovered or found, and two more are currently up for auction.

We get to see a side of Princess Diana this time that most people are probably not too familiar with. That refers to her flirtatious side, after which she wrote the King of Greece letters that, no doubt, shocked the late Queen Elizabeth and numerous other royals.

The life of Princess Diana in the Royal Family was never easy. Following their meeting and subsequent marriage to the then-Prince Charles, the couple’s relationship deteriorated.

It is said that the late Queen Elizabeth II made numerous attempts to keep Diana and Charles’ union intact. The late queen wrote to the couple just one month after Diana’s infamous BBC interview aired, pleading with them to finalize their divorce.

Princess Diana letters
According to royal expert and author Katie Nicholl, Queen Elizabeth saw the “damage it was causing to the monarchy as an institution” and that its reputation needed to remain intact.

Finally, Charles and Diana got their divorce. In 1997, the princess found love with Egyptian film producer Dodi Al Fayed, who also died in the same car accident as Diana later that same year.

During her tenure as a royal, Diana is known to have received a lot of letters. In February, two brand-new letters went up for auction and brought $169,663. Her true feelings about the divorce she and Charles were going through are revealed by them.

Diana wrote the 32 “emotionally” raw letters to her two friends, Susie and Tarek Kasseem, during the contentious breakup. Diana claimed that the divorce settlement had left her “on my knees” and that she suspected the royal family of bugging her phone.

One of the letters, dated April 28, 1996, provided fresh information regarding Diana’s separation from Charles. Because of how she was feeling mentally, she said she had to cancel a trip to Italy and apologize to her friends.

“I am having a very difficult time, and pressure is serious and coming from all sides. It’s too difficult sometimes to keep one’s head up, and today I am on my knees and just longing for this divorce to go through as the possible cost is tremendous,” Diana wrote.

A few weeks later, Diana wrote another letter: “As I don’t have a mobile, it is difficult to discuss personal issues as my lines here are constantly recorded and passed on.

“If I’d known a year ago what I’d experience going through this divorce I never would have consented. It’s desperate and ugly.”

Charles and Diana were advised to divorce by Queen Elizabeth Diana also expressed her gratitude for the couple’s invitation to spend Christmas 1995 with them while Harry and William stayed at Sandringham with Charles.

The letters brought an estimated $110,000 at auction. Susie and Diana’s charities were to receive a portion of the sale’s proceeds as donations. On December 18, 1995, the queen advised Charles and Diana to get a divorce. The following day, Diana added another letter to the collection that would soon be sold at auction.

“I may have been described as a butterfly but I don’t want to fly away from this loving family,” Princess Diana wrote, referring to the Kassem family.

“I’m immensely touched by how protective you both are of me….. I’m not used to that,” adding that she “never had such love and support from a married team before.”

Mimi Connell-Lay, of Lay’s Auctioneers said the letters are “frankly astonishing.”

“Susie met Diana at the Royal Brompton Hospital, and it is obvious that they clicked straight away; Diana says as much in one of her letters,” she told the Mirror.

“They had a very strong connection, and what is clear is how much Diana valued their friendship and support and advice at a time of great emotional turmoil for her.”

Connell-Lay added: “She wrote a lot about what was going on in her life at the time, especially her divorce, and repeatedly referred to not having the support from the Royal family.”

Princess Diana’s tragic death
Diana’s car was involved in a collision in Paris, France’s Pont de l’Alma tunnel at about 12.23 in the morning. Although she was given extensive care on the scene by medical personnel, she experienced cardiac arrest in the ambulance.

By six minutes after two in the morning, Diana had arrived at the hospital.

She underwent an X-ray when she got to the hospital, which showed she had suffered serious internal injuries. She consequently got a blood transfusion right away.

Diana’s passing was a tragedy for the country. A person caught in the disaster just moments ago came forward.

Diana experienced another cardiac arrest just fifteen minutes after getting to the hospital. At the time of Diana’s passing, surgeon MonSef Dahman was in charge of trying to save the princess while he was employed at a hospital in Paris. Diana had surgery, but the extent of her injuries was too great.
Her heart would simply not beat again.

“We tried electric shocks several times and, as I had done in the emergency room, cardiac massage,” Dahman explained in a lengthy interview with the Daily Mail.

“Professor Riou had administered adrenaline. But we could not get her heart beating again.”

Diana’s survival was fought for by Dahman and his medical staff. However, in the end, they were helpless. The Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, he said, was one of France’s top facilities for these kinds of emergencies, and saving people who were brought in made him “happy and proud.”

Diana feared plot to kill her
In Diana’s case, he initially experienced hope. But in the end, they were unable to save her.
It was quite eerie to read several new Diana letters that surfaced in 2003, this time from Paul Burrell, Diana’s former butler, who had saved a number of them.

Just ten months before she passed away, she had advised him to keep her letters “just in case,” warning him of a plot to have her killed in a car accident. Diana reportedly thought that her demise was predetermined so that Prince Charles could wed again.

She predicted her death ten months before she died in the fatal car crash.
Over the years, many people have speculated whether the crash was an accident. In her letter, Diana predicted she would die through “brake failure and serious head injury.”

“I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to hug me and encourage me to keep strong and hold my head high. This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous,” the letter read.

“XXXXX is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury.”

“I have been battered, bruised, and abused mentally by a system for 15 years now, but I feel no resentment … I am strong inside, and maybe that is a problem for my enemies.

“Thank you Charles for putting me through such hell and for giving me the opportunity to learn from the cruel things you have done to me.”

Former butler Paul Burell’s role
The newspaper at the time claimed to be aware of the identity of the name that had been blacked out but would not publish it due to legal considerations.

“With the benefit of hindsight, the content of that letter has bothered me since her death,” Burrell told the newspaper.

Burrell said he decided to reveal the letters’ contents after his 2002 trial, in which he was accused of stealing them. Burrell recently discussed why he thinks Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle.

Shortly after it had begun, the trial was over because it turned out that he had informed the queen, shortly after Diana died, that he had taken many of her papers for safekeeping.

Beginning in 1987, Burell worked for Charles and Diana at Highgrove House, where the princess lived until her death in 1997. Diana allegedly told him he was the “only man” she trusted, according to him.
Burrell wasn’t a bad person, but Harry and William’s relationship with him changed when Harry, then 19 years old, went to Australia to work as an unpaid farmhand.

Burell, a former butler, has made a lot of public statements about his time spent in the royal household and his friendship with the late princess. But in 2003, his bond with her offspring completely broke down.

Burrell published several private revelations in his 2003 book A Royal Duty, which infuriated Harry. In a statement, Harry and William even charged Burrell with “a cold and overt betrayal.”

Harry was furious with his mother’s former butler
Paul suggested that they meet with Harry and William to discuss his book in response. He also wanted to fill them in on the aspects of their mother’s life that they were not present for.

“I’d love to give them a piece of my mind,” he added.
Paul and Harry fought ever since that day. Harry scolded his mother’s former butler in Spare, accusing him of “milking” his mother’s passing to make money. The publication of A Royal Duty, according to Harry, “made his blood boil.”

Harry remembered how, at the time, the Palace had sent him a package informing him of the “delicate matter.”

“Mummy’s former butler had penned a tell-all which actually told nothing. It was merely one man’s self-justifying, self-centering version of events. My mother once called this butler a dear friend and trusted him implicitly. We did too. Now this,” Harry said.

“He was milking her disappearance for money. It made my blood boil.”

Harry added that he intended to return to the UK right away to “confront” Paul Burrell. In the end, he was talked out of it by his father and brother.

It didn’t take long for Burrell to respond to the claims made in Harry’s book. In a video from his home in Florida, the former butler said Harry has “changed fundamentally” and that his mother would be “appalled.”

Naughty Princess Diana letters
“What I see now is an angry, petulant, privileged prince who is constantly blaming other people and not taking accountability on his part.”

He added: “[Diana] would be angry at these personal, vindictive revelations which don’t just undermine Harry, but his country, his family, the institution – which his mother was very proud of – and his late grandmother’s legacy.”

Contrary to popular belief, there aren’t as many documents written by Diana. Clearly, there are. According to the Mirror, two cards that Princess Diana had sent to King Constantine II of Greece were put up for auction in May.

Numerous sexual allusions were used to depict Diana in a funnier, more carefree light. She also added handwritten notes and signed the cards.

The front of the first card featured a naked man leaning against a tree. The caption read, “Adam came first….Men always do!….”

The second greeting card Diana sent showed a naked woman with a message that read, “What’s the definition of the Perfect Man?’

It was followed by the answer: ‘A midget with a 10″ tongue who can breathe through his ears!’”
See pictures of the greeting cards here.

Diana became close friends with Constantine II, the final Greek king. The princess signed the cards that she sent to him, reading: “Dearest Tino, lots of love from Diana.”

Sold for $7000
The second one said: “Dearest Tino, proudest love as always, from Diana.”

They were put up for auction in May at Dominic Winter Auctioneers, where they fetched $7,000 in bids.
“The reason for sending these cards, other than as a bit of fun, is unclear as the cards do not celebrate a birthday, Christmas or christening,” the auction house wrote on their website.

“Diana must have seen these cards and thought of Tino before buying and sending them, possibly inspired by a conversation they had had at some social gathering.”

Rest in peace, Princess Diana. Please, share this article on Facebook to honor her legacy.

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