Brave Marine jumped on grenade to save fellow comrade – wins Medal of Honor

Carpenter, William Kyle. You might or might not be familiar with his name, but there is no denying that he is a recognized American hero.

Kyle joined the US Marines at the age of 21 and was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. He was ordered to fight in Afghanistan in 2010.

A grenade landed close to where Kyle and another Marine were engaged in combat during a firefight. Kyle acted without hesitation, springing into action.

Kyle made a split-second choice that revealed his unflappable strength and ultimately changed his life for the better. In an effort to protect his friend, Kyle leaped on the grenade and used his body as a barrier.

He made the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life so that his fellow Marine could be saved.

Naturally, the explosion that followed left him with horrendous wounds. His face and skull were broken, and his body was covered in shrapnel.

In addition, Kyle suffered a collapsed lung and lost a portion of his jaw. When he returned to Camp Bastion, he was given the designation P.E.A. (patient expired on arrival).

In a sense, Kyle had passed away. He managed to live.

Kyle was need to have forty separate surgeries over the course of the following two years.

In addition to receiving the renowned Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama, he received the Purple Heart for his gallantry.

Kyle is currently retired from the military and pursuing a degree at the University of South Carolina.

View the video below for more information on Kyle’s tale:

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