Autistic boy fails school exams – teacher sends him home with powerful letter that goes viral

Autistic Boy Receives Heartfelt Letter from Teacher After Failing School Exams – Story Goes Viral

Receiving a diagnosis of autism for your child or someone close can be an overwhelming experience. The news of a serious health or developmental condition can evoke a range of emotions. Understanding the disorder and discovering available resources can alleviate fear and confusion, offering the necessary support for both children with autism and their families.

Meet 11-year-old Ben Twist, who navigates life with autism. His mother, Gail, was taken aback when Ben handed her a letter following his SAT exam failure. Expecting a message urging him to improve his grades, the letter held a surprisingly different sentiment. Despite the exam setback, Ben’s teacher penned an incredible letter that has since gained widespread attention.

The Letter

Mrs. Clarkson sent him home with a touching letter telling him how capable he is and exactly what he brings to the table.

The letter reads:

“Dear Ben,

I am writing you to congratulate you on your attitude and success in completing your end of key stage SATs.

Gil, Lynn, Angela, Steph and Anne have worked so well with you this year and you have made some fabulous progress.

I have written to you and your parents to tell you the results of the tests.

A very important piece of information I want you to understand is that these tests only measure a little bit of you and your abilities. They are important and you have done so well, but Ben Twist is made up of many other skills and talents that we at Lansbury Bridge see and measure in other ways.”

The response

After reading the letter, Ben’s mother, Gail, found herself in tears.

Mrs. Clarkson’s letter went on to list the things that Ben was good at, things that a regular school test couldn’t measure.

“Other talents you have that these tests do not measure include: -Your artistic talents, your ability to work in a team, your growing independence, your kindness, your ability to express your opinion, your abilities in sports, your ability to make and keep friends, your ability to discuss and evaluate your own progress, your design and building talents, and your musical ability.

We are so pleased that all of these different talents and abilities make you the special person you are and these are all of the things we measure to reassure us that you are always making progress and continuing to develop as a lovely, bright young man.

Well done Ben, we are very proud of you.

Best Wishes,

Mrs. Clarkson”

The world sure needs more people like Ms. Clarkson! It would be easier to send a letter about how Ben needs to improve or change. Smart and compassionate people like Mrs. Clarkson know that judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree is as futile as judging a monkey by its ability to swim in deep water.

We hope Ben takes his teacher’s words to heart and always remembers that his worth should never be measured by his school test scores.

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