He Starts Out Shaking Like a Leaf, Sings ‘The Rose,’ Ends Up as One of Most Watched Ever

Singing is a talent that only a few people possess. And even if you’re one of the lucky ones who has it, you still might not be able to just go up on a stage and blow everyone’s mind. Seasoned performers get stage fright, so just think if you’ve never done anything like it before. Like this guy.

Christopher Maloney of Liverpool, England, is a very talented singer who went to audition for The X Factor UK. From the minute he mounts the stage, it’s clear that he’s very, very nervous. He is shaking so bad that the judges have to comfort him just to get him to continue.

“It’s took me five years just to build up the courage to apply for it,” he said. “I’ve downloaded the application, filled it out, put it in an envelope, then ripped it up. Every year.”

“In my head I just think, I’m not good enough, and that’s what’s stopped me from doing it,” Christopher said.But as soon as he opens his mouth, he blows away the minds of all the people including the judges and the audience. This man has the voice of the gods.

He sings “The Rose” by Bette Midler. All the judges stand up having been completely enthralled by his voice. He is such a talented singer. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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A gentleman paid a visit to his grandfather, who was 90 years old.

30 October 2023 Admin 0

Elderly individuals have experienced much more than we have, possessing wisdom, intelligence, and often being delightful company. However, sometimes, they may not be. We have a joke that is likely to brighten your day. It revolves around a 90–year–old grandpa and his grandson, creating a memorable visit. A man traveled to a remote rural area in his home state to see his 90–year–old grandfather. After spending the night, his grandfather prepared breakfast with eggs and bacon. Upon noticing a filmy residue on his plate, he inquired, “Are these plates clean?” His grandfather responded, “Those plates are as clean as cold water can make them, so go ahead and finish your meal.” During lunch, while eating hamburgers his grandfather had prepared, he noticed small specks along the plate‘s edge and a substance resembling dried egg yolks. He asked again, “Are you certain these plates are clean?” Without lifting his eyes from his hamburger, the grandfather replied, “I already told you; those dishes are as clean as cold water can get them. Don‘t ask me about it again!” Later in the afternoon, as he was leaving to have dinner in a nearby town, the grandfather‘s dog began growling and prevented him from passing. He said, “Grandfather, your dog won‘t let me leave.” Without taking his gaze away from the TV football game, the grandfather yelled, “Cold Water, go lie down!” Feel free to share this humorous anecdote with your friends and family on Facebook.