“Angels among people”: story about an adopted boy with genetic disorder

The boy was born with a few diseases that have affected particularly his appearance. His real parents decided to abandon the problematic child.

After a few operations, the boy literally learned to live a normal life and now he is adopted by Nika and Yuri Zlobins. The couple had 2 more children from ex-spouses, but after learning about Rustam’s story, they just couldn’t leave him like that.

A year later, Rustam changed a lot – the kid learned to walk and talk properly. All thanks to Nika and Yuri, who were responsible for the boy’s rehabilitation, finding a good specialist to work on his speech with the help of regular massage.

From time to time even other children mock and bully Rustam because of his appearance, and their parents don’t really do anything to stop them. But Nika was able to explain them, that children like Rustam also exist and there is nothing funny about them.

Rustam is not the only adopted child in the family. Six months after moving to Nika and Yuri, they decided to adopt  9-month-old Lilian from Bashkortostan. According to doctors, the girl had no chance for a happy future. They even called the child a “plant”. However, thanks to her new family, Lilian is now able to play, draw and is develop like every other child.

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