As soon as she saw the strange monster, she began to scream!

Lujan Eroles, a 46-year-old resident of the Argentine town of Santa Fe, had a perplexing encounter when she stumbled upon a bizarre creature in her vicinity. Startled by the unusual discovery, she couldn’t contain her surprise and began screaming, attracting the attention of her neighbors, who quickly gathered to witness the strange find.

Describing the creature, Eroles noted that it resembled a snake, but its distinguishing feature was its peculiar eyes, adding an element of fear to the encounter. The creature measured a mere 10 centimeters in length, intensifying the mystery surrounding its identity.

Intrigued by the unusual discovery, Eroles decided to document the creature and shared a video online, prompting speculations about its species. The online community began buzzing with discussions as individuals attempted to unravel the mystery surrounding this enigmatic creature. Despite its snake-like appearance, its diminutive size and distinctive features have left observers and online audiences puzzled, with many eager to uncover the creature’s true identity.

Thus, it would be a caterpillar of a rare species of moth in Central America. Lacking defensive weapons, the caterpillar mimics the appearance of a snake to keep predators at bay:


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