Does breastfeeding reduce your sex drive?

And can it affect your partner too? Expert explains the connection between breastfeeding and sexuality and how it affects intimate relationships

When discussing difficulties in breastfeeding, most commonly, issues such as engorgement, pain, cracked nipples, and low milk supply are mentioned.

However, there is another crucial aspect that deserves attention, which is its impact on sexual desire and intimate relationships between partners.

Yes, after childbirth, especially during the postpartum period, which lasts about six weeks, many women do not feel the need or ability for intimacy with their partners.

There are several reasons for this. The first factor is the bond that forms between the mother and her baby, which often demands all her attention and energy. This period of bonding with the baby and responding to their needs is crucial for the baby’s development and is natural and desirable.


The second reason is physiological.

After childbirth, a woman may suffer from stitches, soreness, and wounds in the perineum, leaving her feeling fatigued and experiencing changes in body image. Additionally, hormonal levels in women are significantly affected post-birth.

The partner must be attentive and patient, finding alternative ways to provide her with feelings of love and closeness.

Does breastfeeding reduce your sexual desire? Yes, and several hormonal changes contribute to this. During breastfeeding, estrogen levels in the body significantly decrease, leading to vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse.

Additionally, lower levels of progesterone and testosterone can diminish sexual desire. The hormone oxytocin, released during breastfeeding and sexual satisfaction, may provide women with a sense of fulfillment that reduces the need for sexual relations. The love and closeness with the baby fulfill similar emotional needs.

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