A Redditor father had shared his story on Reddit’s r/TwoHotTakes subreddit, that his wife was missing the flights on purpose, that were meant to went to his daughters home. So on the last time, when she had another excuse to miss the flight, he had left her and proceeded with boarding.

The father had explained that his daughter was working at the university she had attended to, off state, where she went to study.

As the father shared, his daughter, Jess was leaving the dorm, and since she was going to work at the college, she needed a home, and needed help to move in, so her father and her mother were going to help her.

Then the father had explained that travelling with his wife is hard, because she is messy, and the contrary, he is the most organized man. He makes sure that everything is in order, and goes to places to avoid problems, earlier than he should.

As he stated, his wife is a type of person that, “go with the flow”, and, “we will get there when we get there.”

As he explained, when they were going to their daughter for the parents weekend, their flight was at 10 a.m. The father said to his wife that they should at least be at the airport 90 minutes earlier, so they wouldn’t be late.

The father had wake up in 6, and made sure that everything was ready. His wife was so slow that she wake up in 7.50 and it was 9 until she was ready to leave. As it was crowded at the airport, they missed their flight.

Airline had refused to payback their tickets, and there were no tickets until next day. So they had missed a day to spend with their daughter, which their daughter was upset about.

As for now, they are going to their daughter’s stated to help her move in, he made sure that his wife is awake earlier, and they are at the airport 45 minutes earlier than their flight.

As they were waiting at the line, the wife wanted coffee from Starbucks. As it was far, the husband had stated that they do not have enough time, since there are only 15 minutes left.

She stated that she would come by that time and left. But she was not there when the time has come for the flight to board. As the husband had tried calling her and convince the stewards that his wife is coming, they were about to close the gates.

As she had contacted him minutes later to inform that she is on her way back to the boarding gate, it was too late, since they had closed the gates, and the husband was at the flight, alone.

He told her that she needed to get new tickets, and he will wait her at the airport. And the wife accepted as she acted like she wasn’t bothered with the occasion.

A Redditor had commented, “I stopped being the caretaker for my partner after the first time we missed a flight. Told him nope never again. Next two flights he missed and man he b*tched. Explained again he’s a damn adult and has choices to make. The third time he missed a 10 day cruise. He’s never been late again. He’s pissed about it but listens to me and gets up and ready and out the door on time. Ohh and NTA.”

What do you think? Let us know.

Source: aktuelleinformation.de

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