If you find all the hidden faces in this optical illusion in less than 10 seconds, you’re in the top 1%

If your eyes haven’t fully adjusted to waking up in a new year just yet, then you might want to avoid this clever optical illusion.

This old image of a tree which cunningly disguises the faces of ten former world leaders has resurfaced on the internet in recent days.

The optical illusion contains the hidden visages of past heads of state, although exactly who they are is a matter of dispute.

Many claim to see former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher and ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the image, although others believe the tree is made up of figureheads from Indian politics.

It has been suggested that the puzzler dates from the 1880s, when it featured in Harper’s Illustrated, making its inclusion of leaders who weren’t around until 100 year later particularly prescient.

Whatever the truth around its origin, the tree is still a good test of the workings of your brain.

There are ten faces hidden in the image (although some people claim to see 11) above – can you spot them? The answers are in the second image below.

Did you get them all?

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