Is It Safe To Eat Potatoes With Sprouts On Them?

Have you ever opened your fridge only to find spoiled vegetables that need to be thrown away? One common culprit is potatoes. They can be difficult to keep fresh for an extended period of time, often sprouting and becoming unwieldy. But before you toss them in the trash, here’s what you need to know: those greenish lumps on your potatoes don’t necessarily mean they’re rotten.

The Sprouts: A Sign of Growth

Those sprouts on your potatoes are actually a signal that they’re ready to grow. After being harvested, potatoes enter a dormant state. If they hadn’t been plucked, those sprouts would have eventually grown into new plants. So, the question remains, can we still eat these sprouted potatoes?

Don’t Eat the Sprouts

First and foremost, the sprouts themselves are not edible. They contain poisons that can lead to vomiting, headaches, and other digestive problems if consumed. It’s best to avoid eating them altogether.

The Viable Solution

Removing the sprouts does not render the potato harmless. According to Poison Control, it’s recommended to discard these potatoes. However, Dr. Rich Novy, a geneticist employed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service, offers a more nuanced perspective.

In Dr. Novy’s opinion, if the potato is still hard and not yet soft and mushy, it is still salvageable. So, before you make the difficult decision to throw it away, give it a second thought.

Prevention is Key

If you want to avoid these situations altogether, the key is proper preservation. Take the time to store your potatoes correctly to extend their shelf life. By doing so, you can reduce food waste and enjoy fresh potatoes for a longer period of time.

Remember, reducing food waste starts with small actions in our own kitchens. So, the next time you come across a sprouted potato, don’t be too quick to get rid of it. With a discerning eye and a little knowledge, you might just salvage it and enjoy a delicious meal while reducing food waste at the same time.

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