Little Johnny asked many questions to his teacher.

This concludes the dialog window. Johnny, a seventh-grade student, frequently questioned his teacher. One day, Johnny questioned his English teacher: Why do we overlook certain letters in pronunciation, such as the letter H in Hour, Honour, etc.? His English teacher said: “We are not ignoring them; they’re considered silent” …… (He was even more confused…?)

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During the lunch break, his teacher handed him her packed meal and instructed Johnny to prepare it in the cafeteria. Johnny ate all of the food and returned the empty container. His English teacher:

What happened? I instructed you to go heat my food. You are returning an empty container. The Little Johnny responded. “Madam, I thought ‘H’ was silent.” Dedicated to all English teachers.

Here are a few humorous comments in English about the story:

Anna said:

Looks like Johnny had a silent-but-deadly response to the teacher’s instructions!

John said:

Maybe Johnny should have asked the teacher to ‘H’eat the food instead of just heat it.

Mary said:

This is what happens when you give a 7th grader with a smarty-pants attitude free reign in the cafeteria. The ‘H’ stands for ‘Hangry’!

Lisa said:

Johnny’s new nickname should be ‘The Phantom of the Cafeteria’ after his impressive disappearing lunch act.

Jack said:

Someone needs to teach Johnny that ‘H’ is only silent in words, not when it comes to his ravenous appetite!

Harry said:

Looks like Johnny’s teacher learned a valuable lesson – never assume a middle schooler will follow your instructions to the ‘T’, or in this case, the ‘H’.

Ann said:

Johnny’s teacher is probably wishing she had stayed silent instead of giving him that food-heating task. Rookie mistake!

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