Mother Makes Troubling Find On Restaurant Receipt, Calls Police

Waitress Commits Credit Card Fraud with Forged Tip

A Shocking Discovery

A woman from Roanoke, Virginia, was left outraged when she found out that a waitress at a local restaurant had stolen money from her by adding a forged tip to her bill. The incident came to light when the customer, Whitney Anderson, noticed an unauthorized charge in her bank account.

Sharing the Story

Determined to raise awareness about the incident, Whitney Anderson took to Facebook to share her unfortunate experience. Her post quickly went viral, drawing attention to the issue of credit card fraud and dishonest practices in the service industry.

“So last night my husband and I ate at Abuelo’s in Roanoke. We tipped $10 on 45 and made it $55.40 and I signed my name. I didn’t take the blank customer copy out of the book. Today I checked my bank account and saw where we had been charged 65.40 so I called the manager and he said that’s what we wrote. I drove out there and demanded to see the receipt.

So the waitress trashed my receipt (the merchant copy) and filled out the customer copy and forged a signature that doesn’t even look like my name. I mean seriously. She could have at least tried to sign my last name Anderson.

I called corporate and they said they will get back with me in less than 10 business days and the manager just said he’d refund my $10 she stole in less than 10 business days. It’s not just about $10 is the fact that this is fraud and theft!

I have been serving for 11 years now and so many people leave that blank copy of the receipt and it’s never crossed my mind to fill it out and forge their signature! I’m appalled that this place is not doing anything about it and allowing someone so dishonest to handle money and people’s credit cards.

The police are involved now. I mean, who knows how long she’s been doing this to people that probably don’t check their bank accounts regularly.”

Comparison to Credit Card Fraud

Whitney Anderson strongly felt that the forged receipt was akin to credit card fraud, as the waitress had essentially manipulated the tip amount without her consent.

“It was almost a 25 [percent] tip and then they go behind you and fraudulently sign a name to a credit card receipt,” she said. “I don’t feel that’s any different than someone taking your debit card.”

Restaurant’s Response

The restaurant’s managers promptly apologized to Anderson over the phone and offered to refund the entire value of her bill as a gesture of goodwill and to rectify the situation. However, this incident raises concerns about dishonest practices in the service industry and highlights the need for better safeguards to protect customers from credit card fraud and unauthorized charges.

Credit card fraud is a serious offense that can have severe consequences for both customers and businesses. It is essential for establishments to take measures to prevent such incidents and ensure the security and trust of their patrons.

If you ever encounter a similar situation, it is vital to report it immediately to the restaurant management and, if necessary, involve the authorities to address the issue promptly.

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