Everyday, our readers submit photos of the beautiful antiques they come across. Occasionally, we see an item that has us puzzled, so we turn to you for help! Take a look at the following fiveitems, and see if you can identify all of them. And as always, thank you for sharing your photos!
from: Glenda Richey Nail: “Can anyone tell me what this is? It appears to be string of some kind on the rod.”
from: Dan Kent: “Does anyone know what these are? My friend has them and we aren’t sure what they are.”
from: Suzy Smith: “Anyone know what this is? It’s VERY old. I know it’s leather over a gourd and the stitching is amazing.”
from: Diane Lucking: “Anyone tell me what this is ???”
from: Nancy Herren Cobia: “Does anyone have an idea what this could be? The lid lifts up.Thanks”
Source: dustyoldthing.com