One Week After Family Dog Went Missing, They Found Him In A Storm Drain

It was a nightmare that no pet owner wants to go through. Edgar has the perfect family, plenty of love and care. However, one night during a bad storm, Edgar became so frightened he somehow ran off from his house. His family knew he wouldn’t intentionally run away, so they began searching for their beloved pet. As the severe storms lasted all week, Edgar’s family began to think the worst.

Photo credit: Imgur

The family other dog, Oscar became very depressed. He was used to constantly being with Edgar, so the longer Edgar was away the worse the dog became. After seven days, Edgar still hadn’t returned and the family tried to get back to a normal life. However, the family had no idea that something shocking was about to happen.

The son of this family shared their story on the image-sharing site, Imgur and explained that his dad took Oscar for a walk to help with the stress when he began to hear a faint cry.

The owner followed the sound of the crying to the opening of a storm drain tunnel where he found Edgar trapped. The dog began yelping and whining when he saw his owner was there to rescue him.

With the help of emergency workers, Edgar was rescued from the drainage pipe. After a trip to the vet, he was discovered to have only suffered minimal dehydration and minor sores from being in the watery tunnel for so long.

Edgar was brought home to recover from his difficult week. His family says they are so thankful to have their four-legged friend back home safe and sound.

Once home, all Edgar wanted was something to eat and a long nap. Promptly upon returning home, he was treated to his favorite snack, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Oh, and a long nap with his best friend, Oscar.

We are so happy this story had a happy ending, but there are many other incidents of animals running away during storms. Animal experts recommend creating a “safe-space” for your animal to go during frightening times, like severe weather. Provide a comfortable spot to lay and plenty of cuddles to reassure your pet that everything is going to be OK.


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