Stunning rendition of ‘Edelweiss’ by Von Trapp great-grandchildren

This extraordinary performance features the great-grandchildren of the real-life Von Trapp Family, who surprised an office in Columbus, Ohio, with a breathtaking impromptu rendition.

The impromptu performance, captured on video by «FIGBAR FILMS» and uploaded to their YouTube channel, showcased the musical talents of the Von Trapp Family descendants. The video’s uploader explained that the performance was a spontaneous act of kindness from the great-grandchildren, who visited the Columbus office. The magical rendition of ‘Edelweiss’ can be enjoyed in the video below.

FIGBAR FILMS clarified, stating, «Once again, everyone needs to understand that these ‘kids’ showed up at the office where I work in Columbus, Ohio, sang for our staff out of the goodness of their hearts… this was completely an impromptu performance. I work for a video production company… someone grabbed a camera and shot this. They were extremely humble and lovely people. I’m so happy people can watch this and be so touched by it. I have been contacted by the von Trapp great-grandkids, and they have provided a link in the description of this video about what they are doing. They are absolutely fine with this video being posted and are touched by all the great responses and feedback.»

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