This Historic Photo Has Never Been Edited. Take A Closer Look It

Historic Photos

There are plenty of photos of important moments in history. Many of these photos are famous and often viewed by the public. Other historic photos are equally as amazing but rarely seen. Here are 20 of these pictures that haven’t gotten the attention that they deserve.

Refusing To Salute

This photo was taken in Germany on June 13, 1936. Everyone in the picture is giving the Nazi salute, except for one man. This man has his arms crossed in protest.

Grotto In An Iceberg

This photo is during the British Antarctic Expedition. It shows the “Terra Nova” from inside the Grotto that formed as an iceberg changed. It presented to King George V in 1914.

106-Year-Old Woman Guarding Her Home

This dramatic photo is during the 1990 conflict known as the Nagorno-Karabakh War. The woman was holding an AK 47 to protect her home during a war where 20,000 people died.


Woodstock is the most famous music festival in history. This photo shows the huge crowd that showed up to the three-day-three night event. There have been other music festival since, but none that drew crowds this big.

Elvis In the Army

Many people don’t know that Elvis Presley put his music career on hold to join the army. This is a rarely seen photo of Elvis while he was heading out for basic training.

Baby In a Cage

This photo is in London in 1940. During this time, it was common for parents to put their kids in cages to get some air and sunlight without needing to worry about them crawling away. Today, this would land you in prison.

The First Modern Olympic Games

This photo of three men running was taken in Athens in 1896. This was the first successful attempt to bring back the Olympic Games after the Roman Emperor Theodosius I banned the games.

Children For Sale

The woman in this photo is trying to hide her face from the camera in embarrassment because she is trying to sell her children. The sign read, “4 Children For Sale, Inquire Within.” The photo is in Chicago in 1948. This is something else that would land you in jail today. This historic photo has never been edited. Take a closer look.

Marilyn Monroe As a Teenager

There are thousands of photos of Marilyn Monroe out there, but not too many of her in her teens. This is a rarely seen photo of the actress before she came into her beauty.

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