This kid was born without eyes, so his mother left him. But he still celebrated Christmas with a family: Best gift ever!

Eight-month-old Alexander K. was born in Tomsk, Russia, without eyeballs because of SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome.

This is a very rare disorder – only three cases of this syndrome are known. Doctors say, that the baby is otherwise “perfectly healthy”.

Alexander’s biological mother learned about the disorder in the 31st week of pregnancy. After the labor she left the baby.

Luckily, this week the workers of the orphanage, where little Sasha ended up, announced tat they had found a “warm and loving” family for him.

Svetlana Syrova was the first journalist to tell Sasha’s story. She writes:

“The child is going to a large city with good hospitals, schools and clubs. He’ll have sisters and a summer cottage. Once again thanks to everyone who was not indifferent to his fate and especially to those families who began to draw up documents special for Sasha. There were several of them and all were wonderful!”

In October, when the child’s adoption was still in process, doctor Tatyana Rudnikovich said, that Sasha, like every other child, goes through all the necessary checkups and analysis. He’s fine.”

Recently, Sasha has gone to St. Petersburg with his nurse, where he got his first prostheses Doctors are planning to form the child’s eyeballs. This way they will cover the deformation on the boy’s face. However, according to the doctors, the kid will never be able to see.

Instead, he now has a family, which is the most important thing!

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