Video Catches People Pulling Bear Cubs From Tree For A Selfie

We live in a world where people don’t always do the right thing. Sometimes, the wrong thing may not even be the smartest thing, and that certainly is the case in the following news report.

It happened in North Carolina when a video was taken of six people who were out in nature. They weren’t out to enjoy things in the usual way, they were pulling bear cubs out of a tree so they could get some pictures.

It happened in a suburban neighborhood and I’m sure that the people who looked out the window and saw it taking place were not expecting to see something unusual like this. Yet, there they were, standing and taking the bear cubs out of the trees.

As you can imagine, people were very upset when they saw the video, and for good reason. Handling the bear cubs in such a way puts them in danger and even more so because they dropped one of the cubs as well.

In addition, they were putting themselves in danger because if the mother bear had seen what was happening, she would have torn them to pieces.

After the video was posted online, the public outcry was quick to follow. Even the authorities were involved, as Ashley Hobbs from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission arrived on the scene first.

When Ashley arrived, she found that one of the cubs was wet and cold and had endured a lot of trauma as a result of the event. They had to place the cub in a rehabilitation facility after it took place.

Fortunately, the group was there when they arrived and they were able to confront them directly. They explained that the behavior could have been deadly for the cubs and for them, as mother bears are not very happy when you mess with their young.

Many of those who saw the video wanted additional action taken against the people who were involved. They felt that their selfish example showed the wrong path of coexisting with wildlife.


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